Covid-19 Notification

Pre Appointment

We have redesigned the way we operate so we can welcome you back as safely as possible.

We will contact you at least 24hours prior to your dental appointment to confirm attendance, confirm any changes in your medical history and to ask you COVID 19 Screening questions:

Have you tested positive for COVID 19 in the past 10 days? 

Have you had any of the following Symptoms in the last 10 days? 

  • A new persistent cough                                                         
  • A high Temperature or fever                                                 
  • Loss of, or altered, sense of smell or taste   

Has anyone in your household or support bubble had these symptoms or a diagnosis of COVID 19 in the last 14 days?

Have you been in close contact with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19 in the past 14 days?

Have you been advised to self-isolate as part of the ‘Test, Trace and Protect’ strategy?

Have you been advised of a close contact by the StopCOVID NI app in the past 14 days?

Have you travelled from a country outside of the Common Travel Area that is not currently on the travel exemption list within the past 14 days?

If any of these symptoms are noted the appointment should be deferred until the patient is better. The patient will need to be in isolation for a minimum of 14 days.

If the patient does not exhibit any of these symptoms, they should attend the appointment. If they develop symptoms between the screening call and the appointment, they should be told to contact the surgery and postpone the appointment.

On the day of your appointment:

Before you come to the practice we ask that you, wear a mask when entering the practice, where possible, have already visited the lavatory. Please do not bring any unnecessary belongings with you. Please attend your appointment alone unless you require assistance or are supporting a child or someone vulnerable.

Entering the practice:

Please call from your car or outside the practice to let us know when you have arrived. Our team will advise you when to come into the practice. You will be asked to use the automatic hand sanitiser at the front door and wait to be called forward. You will be either taken straight to the surgery or asked to sit in one of the designated seats in the waiting area.

After the appointment:

Naturally we will be ensuring that each treatment room is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after every patient.

It would be ideal if you could pay using card rather that cash; using our freshly disinfected card payment machine, by card over the phone, or by online transfer (details will be sent to you on request).

It may be difficult to see our faces but please be assured we will still be the usual friendly team, smiling away despite our protective gear!

If you have any further questions we will happily call you to discuss them. We hope the above gives you assurance that every step has been taken to keep you and our team safe.